Monday, June 3, 2013

We decided to get out of the heat on Saturday (it was 101 degrees) and go up to the mountains, we are close to Sequoia National Park so we headed up there for a picnic and to just relax.  It was about 75 degrees up there and it was beautiful, not too crowded yet with tourists.  The Sequoia Shuttle was running too!
setting up the picnic table...

Selena eating lunch

Dad and kiddos


the redwood trees near our campsite

playing in the river

Tony dunking his head in the ice cold river...
Sequoia shuttle

Not totally roughin' it when you have a market like this but we like knowing it is there...

We usually forget something and we love the gift shop too!

Play dough...

Just a few play dough creations, one of them spells mom...if you look at it sideways...
Tony made a cookie

Mikayla made this cake

and this one...
This morning we did some cleaning up and finished the horse project that we received at Horse and Reader, those are done so I can get the homeschool table ready for well,....homeschool.

Today we made birthday cards for my dad and then worked on our core subjects.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

We had a nice Memorial day weekend!  Got a lot accomplished in the backyard as far as projects go.  On Memorial Day the kids swam in the pool, we made Rice Krispy Treats, bbq'd some hamburgers and hot dogs and we relaxed (well Hubby worked ALL day in the yard and then had to BBQ so he didn't get to relax). Tomorrow we are back at it for school. This is the only pic I took all weekend :-(